Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Special beach entry diving w/ experienced diver

When you are planning to come Okinawa , Japan
And interested in Scuba diving
Press this botton

Book Appointment from Coubic

Date : 2018 / Jul / 11
Weather :    Sunny  
Wind :   South West
Air temp 30.0 ℃      Water temp 26.2℃


Today we went to beach diving with YUTA .
She is nice and good experienced diver .

So we chose special place . Before and after typhoon , it's rough and high wave .
Usually we don't go there , but she can and she want .

Can you see ?  Looks like not good for diving , hahaha .

This place famous for sharks and great wall in the water .
Unfortunally we didn't see sharks but enjoyed drift diving .

The lunch is Okinawan noodle , This is available only during summer .

After lunch , also special palce for certificared diver .

It's kind of secret point . Good view but not popular .

Thank you for joining special tour .
The safety is most  Important , but sometimes the curiosity don't stop us to make exciting .

We have to back home to enjoy Beer time , hahaha .

We will show you colorful species of marine fish .

Please join us to enjoy Okinawan diving !!

Thank you for reading , See you next time !

今日は YUTAちゃんと 特別なビーチエントリーダイビングしてきました

特に台風前後は 行かない方がいいですね(笑)

経験と コース取りがしっかりしてこその ファンダイビングツアー決行でした

残念ながら サメには逢えなかったけど がっつりドリフトダイビング楽しみました

お昼は 夏季限定の沖縄そば

そして 午後もあり得ないコースで 無事に3本 終了しました(笑)

美味しいビール為にも 無理せずに 海 自然と真摯に向き合って遊びましょうね


日々精進 和顔愛語
明日は どこへ 潜ろうか。。。


When you are planning to come Okinawa , Japan
And interested in Scuba diving
Press this botton

Book Appointment from Coubic

ダイビング ライセンス 沖縄だから 年中受付中!
外国人も 英語で 講習やファンダイビング 受けれます!

We have an under water tour for English speakers.
You can go Fun diving and Intro diving in Okinawa.
We have many dive sites in Okinawa.
Also we have a certification courses in English.

Okinawa Japan Kerama Islands Tonaki Aguni Yonaguni Manza Onna Dream Hole
Hedo USS EMMONS Ginowan Hammer head sharks

Welcome to
Diving menu
Fun diving tour for certificated divers
Intro / Discovery diving tour for no-certificated divers
Certificated course to be Scuba diver

Dive sites
Kerama Islands / Blue cave / Sunabe sea wall No1
Bolo point / Toilet bowl / Dream hole
USS EMMONS / Hedo air dome
Yonaguni Hammer head sharks / Under water ruins monuments

Please contact us feel free

ダイビング メニュー

慶良間諸島 / 真栄田岬 青の洞窟 / 砂辺No1
残波岬 / 恩納村ホーシュー / ドリームホール
沈船 エモンズ / 辺戸岬 エアドーム
ハンマーヘッドシャーク / 与那国海底遺跡

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Fun diving at Sunabe Sea wall No.2

When you are planning Scuba diving in Okinawa , Japan Please send us message →→→ MAIL ←←← or Press this botton You will get great time and ...